Department of Immigration and Emigration

Sri Lankan Identity Overseas

Resident Guest Scheme Visa Programme (Extension only for the existing visa holders)

Who can get Sri Lankan Resident Visa under this programme ?

This visa category only issues foreigners those who are already obtained this visa (extension only).

What is the Implementing Agency ?

The Office of the Implementing Agency is Department of Immigration and Emigration, “Suhurupaya”, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka

Where can I obtain a Residence visa application form ?

Application forms RGS are available at

  • Department of Immigration Emigration
  • Download printable versions of the Application Forms here

What are the documents I need to submit with my Residence visa application for renewal ?

Investor Category

  • Duly completed application
  • Photocopies of the Passport
  • Two (02) photographs (6cm x 5cm)
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Medical Report for applicant and dependent (from IOM Sri Lanka Migration Health Assessment Centre)
  • Police Clearance Report from domicile country / Sri Lanka (As applicable)
  • Details of the project and proof of satisfactory performance of the project investments
  • Updated RGFCA Bank Statement (Resident Guest Foreign Currency Account) in Sri Lanka (Confirmed)
    • Applicant - US$ 250,000/= (Minimum)
    • Dependent - US$  35,000/= (Minimum)
  • Updated RGRCA Bank Statement (Resident Guest Rupee Currency Account)
  • Documentary evidence for tax clearance from the Department of Inland Revenue
  • If the project is in the case of tax exempted project the recommendation from the Board of Inverstment.

Professional Category

  • Duly completed application
  • Request letter of the Applicant
  • Photocopies of the Passport
  • Two (02) photographs (6cm x 5cm)
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate (if married)
  • Proof of educational professional and work experience locally and internationally
  • Progress Report regarding relevant project
  • Medical Report for applicant and dependent (from IOM Sri Lanka Migration Health Assessment Centre)
  • Police Clearance Report from domicile country / Sri Lanka (As applicable)
  • Commendations
  • Awards
  • Updated Bank Statement (Confirm documentary evidence of remittance)
    • Applicant - US$ 2,000/= monthly
    • Dependent - US$  1,000/= monthly

What are the remittance limits ?

Investor Category

A potential foreign investor under this Scheme should have remitted a minimum of US $ 250,000 or an equivalent amount in any convertible foreign currency and have deposited the funds in a special account in any commercial bank approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

Documentary evidence to confirm the remittances to Sri Lanka should be furnished. In addition to the initial deposits, an investor should remit regularly sufficient funds for the upkeep of himself and his dependant.

Professional Category

A professional intended to reside in Sri Lanka under the scheme is required to remit, to a Special Bank Account in Sri Lanka for living expenses, a minimum of US$ 2,000/- per month for himself and US$ 1000/- per month for each of his dependents, including spouse.


Funds remitted to Sri Lanka by any foreign investor should have been invested in an approved project. If no satisfactory progress is made by the applicant in making investment in the country within the first two years of his residence in Sri Lanka, the Implementing Agency may cease to make any further payments of interest on the credit balance in the Special Account of the investor.

Approved projects for the purpose of this Scheme are

  • New ventures subject to approval by the Board of Investment or a relevant Authority.
  • Existing or new companies subject to approval by the relevant authority.
  • Shares listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange.
  • The Board of Investment will provide all assistance needed by the foreign investors to identify and make such investments.
  • Special Accounts
    Foreign investors under this Scheme are permitted to open two separate special accounts in any commercial bank in Sri Lanka as described below
  1. Resident Guest Foreign Currency Account
    • The remittances made to Sri Lanka for the purpose of making investments in any approved project in Sri Lanka should have been credited to this account.
    • The Bank will pay interest during the initial period of two years on the unutilized balance in the Account at a rate which will not exceed the rate applicable to Non Resident Foreign Currency Accounts. Payments of interest after the expiry of the two-year period will be subject to the approval of the Implementing Agency.
    • Withdrawal from the Account for any purpose other than investment, should be approved by the Implementing Agency.
    • Interest paid on the balance in this Account may be transferred to the Resident Guest Rupee Current Account.
  2. Resident Guest Rupee Currency Account

    • Remittances made for living expenses in Sri Lanka, income derived from investments, sale proceeds of shares, etc. will be permitted to be credited to this account.
    • Outward remittances from the account will be subject to prior Exchange Control approval.

Repatriation of income capital

The following outward remittances are allowed under the prevailing Exchange Control and Tax regulations.

  • Any unutilized balance in the special account of the investor.
  • Capital gains and income from investment.
  • Sale proceeds of investments.

What are the fees applicable to my Resident Guest Scheme visa ?

Residence visa fee US $ 200 per person for 01 year period.

Conditions for Resident Guests

Resident Guests are required to;

  • Notify the Implementing Agency in writing of any material changes in particulars furnished in the application within two (2) months of such change.
  • Comply with Immigration and Emigration formalities of the Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration.
  • Comply with tax laws in Sri Lanka.
  • Comply with all other laws and regulations of Sri Lanka Government.
  • Refrain from any political or other activity which is not in public interest or which might be prejudicial to the security of the country.
  • Produce a Police clearance certificate from domicile country.
  • The applicant shall provide any documents requested by the approving authority where necessary.

    In case of Termination of Investment Project / Professional Service by the Resident Guest
  • Resident guests are required to give due notice to the Implementing Agency prior to period of two (2) months in writing of their intention to terminate their investment project / professional service.
  • Notice also to be given in writing of their intention to leave Sri Lanka at least Fourteen (14) working days prior to their departure upon termination of their investment project / professional service.

How can I submit my Resident Guest Scheme visa application for renewal ?

To the visa branch of the Department of Immigration & Emigration (4th floor)

What is the maximum validity period of my Resident Guest Scheme visa ?

Your RGS Visa will be valid for five years from the issuing date.



  • Dep. of Immigration and Emigration
  • "Suhurupaya", Sri Subhuthipura Road,
  • Battaramulla.
  • 1962 / +94 112 101 500
  • +94 011 2885 358